Virtual Instruction/MOCAP

The Aurora R-VIII School District offers several virtual/online courses through Edgenuity. In addition, the district also partners with the Springfield Public School’s Launch Program, which has a large variety of rigorous online courses available for K-12.


Missouri Course Access and Virtual School Program (MOCAP) was established in 2007 as the state’s online school. It was previously known as Missouri Virtual Instruction Program (MOVIP). Currently, MOCAP offers courses for kindergarten through grade 12. Students can take courses from any Internet-connected computer, available 24 hours a day, and 7 days a week. MOCAP's mission is to offer Missouri students equal access to a wide range of high quality courses, and interactive online learning that is neither time nor place dependent.

Beginning January 2020, virtual course registration follows the same timelines and procedures used in each district school to place students in regular classes. Aurora R-VIII open enrollment in virtual courses occurs between August 1 and the end of the second week of school. Open enrollment for virtual courses also occurs during the first two weeks of second semester. Below is a link to the district’s school board policy and administrative procedure regarding virtual courses (IGCD and IGCD-AP(1)) and a link to the DESE (Department of Elementary and Secondary Education) MOCAP page. If you would like additional information about virtual courses, please contact the building counselor or principal where your child attends.

The district will pay the cost of a virtual course only if the district has first approved the student's enrollment in the course as described in the policy. Even if a student or his or her parents/guardians pay the costs for a virtual course, the student or parents/guardians should meet with the principal or designee prior to enrollment to ensure that the course is consistent with the student's academic and personal goals.

The district is not required to provide students access to or pay for courses beyond the equivalent of full-time enrollment. Students taking courses virtually are subject to district policies, procedures, and rules applicable to students enrolled in traditional courses including, but not limited to, the district's discipline code and prohibitions on academic dishonesty, discrimination, harassment, bullying, and cyberbullying.

When determining if enrollment in a virtual course is the best educational decision for a student, the student and parent should consider the following information.

Preferred Student Skills for Success in Virtual Courses:

*Student has demonstrated time-management skills that indicate the student is capable of submitting assignments and completing course requirements without reminders.

*Student has demonstrated persistence in overcoming obstacles and willingness to seek assistance when needed.

*Student has demonstrated verbal or written communication skills that would allow the student to succeed in an environment where the instructor may not provide nonverbal cues to support the student's understanding.

*Student has the necessary computer or technical skills to succeed in a virtual course.

*Student has access to technology resources to participate in a virtual course.

*Student previously has been successful with virtual coursework.

Appeals Process

If the principal or designee determines that it is not in a student's best educational interest to take a virtual course, the student and the parents/guardians will be notified in writing, provided an explanation for the decision and informed that the student or parents/guardians may appeal the decision to the Board. However, if the student is receiving special education services, the student's IEP team will make the final decision regarding student enrollment in a virtual course in accordance with federal law, and the decision must be appealed through the special education process rather than through the Board.

If the student or parent/guardian appeals to the Board, the principal or designee will provide the Board written reasons for denying the student's enrollment, and the student or parent/guardian will provide written reasons the student should be allowed to take the course. Both documents will be retained by the Board and will be incorporated into the minutes. In addition, the student, parents/guardians and the principal or designee will be allowed to present their arguments at a Board meeting.

The appeal to the Board shall be held in closed session. The Board will consider the information presented and release a written decision within 30 calendar days of the meeting. The student or parents/guardians may appeal the decision to DESE. The appeal to DESE must be filed within 7 days of the Board's final decision.

Board Policy IGCD and Administrative Procedure IGCD-AP(1)

MOCAP Website